SAT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities for admissions.  It is recommended that students take the test two to three times, starting in their junior year.  


SAT School Day is when the SAT is given during the school day in March (the date is set by College Board) free of cost.  The test is only administered on the day assigned by College Board and no make up dates are available.  


Students do not need to register on their own but they do need to set up a College Board account to be able to view their scores.


SAT – on your own:


We do recommend that students take the SAT two to three times, so you will need to register and pay on your own through College Board.

How to Register for the SAT:

  1. Sign in to your free College Board account. Your parent or counselor can’t register for you.
  2. Provide your full, legal name and other identifying information. Make sure it’s the exact same name and information shown on your photo ID.
  3. Decide if you want to answer other questions about yourself. This takes time, but it’s worth it if you want colleges and scholarship organizations to find you.
  4. Decide whether to sign up for the SAT with Essay.  
  5. Upload a photo that meets very specific photo requirements.
  6. Check out, and print your Admission Ticket.

Online SAT Registration Help



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